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Chris Tamer


November 30, 2021

CrossFit Brighton Coach Spotlight – Jill Donovan

Jill is one of our veteran coaches at CrossFit Brighton.  She coaches with a great balance of attention to detail, motivation, and emotional intelligence when leading group classes.

Jill is very busy with her job, working at Markillie Apple Orchard during the fall and being a mom.  But, she still makes time to do the programming for the gym.  The workouts you love or hate, Jill is the creator.

The programming is very balanced between skill/strength/conditioning, long/short/medium duration, and a balance of different types of intensity so that members don’t get bored or burnt out.

Jill’s 3 things in mind when programming.

1-It is functionally applicable to us being healthy regarding the 10 general fitness domains.

2-Having a good combination of monostructural/cardio, gymnastics, and weight lifting.  A good mix of all of these. Not too much of one or the other.

3-Scalability. We agree we all need to do the same things to be healthy. Get up, sit down, push, pull, run, walk.  To what degree?  A young person in the prime of their life vs someone who is older can do the same workout but to a different degree.

“Awesome coach, very positive, able to correct and guide you in the right direction.” John V

“Jill’s an awesome coach with a personal touch.  She’s always there if you need modifications or a push during a workout. Constant variation, total body, good variety of exercises.”  Abbie M.

“We’ve been here 10 years and there’s always something new which makes it interesting to get up in the morning and workout. The combination of the WOD, the accessory, and the lift is spectacular.” Jeff M.

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