Meet our newest coach, Sam!About Sam “Movement is medicine” Sam spent her undergraduate school years at Eastern Michigan University playing D1 volleyball. She then earned her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University ofGeneralWhy is it time to start now?To begin, let's start by answering this question with another question: What is holding you back? Fear of being judged? Unsure how to use the equipment or do the movements?GeneralCrossFit Brighton Coach Spotlight – Jill DonovanJill is one of our veteran coaches at CrossFit Brighton. She coaches with a great balance of attention to detail, motivation, and emotional intelligence when leading group classes. Jill isGeneralCFB Social Media Check-In ChallengeWe are running a Social Media Check-In Challenge starting next week, Monday Nov 15th. This is a four week challenge. You will receive 1 entry into a raffle for eachGeneralAnn Anderson’s 100-Day JourneyAnn is a big inspiration for us at CrossFit Brighton. During her initial consultation, she expressed hesitancy about CrossFit as she was recovering from knee surgery and was unsure aboutGeneralBrighton Nutrition Coach Darcie on Healthy Steps Nutrition Podcast!In this HSN podcast, Nicole interviews Darcie, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and Healthy Step s Nutrition Coach at CrossFit Brighton. She shares her story and talks about the impactGeneralprevNext